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Message Publié : 13 Fév 2022, 18:25 
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Inscription : 17 Mai 2013, 10:32
Message(s) : 87
Les Celtic An Oriant organisent le déplacement à Brest pour le match Stade Brestois - FC Lorient le 27/02 à 15h prix 14€ adhérents et 15€ non adhérents .
Départ rue Jean Coutaller devant la tribune dupuy lôme à 12h00

Renseignement 0689542002 ou 0625558080 mail

Venez nombreux pour ce derby et leurs apportez vos encouragements

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Message Publié : 20 Fév 2022, 17:57 
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Inscription : 17 Mai 2013, 10:32
Message(s) : 87
Il reste de la place pour le déplacement
Inscrivez-vous vite !

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Message Publié : 21 Fév 2022, 10:41 

Inscription : 11 Août 2018, 07:55
Message(s) : 13025
Même pour un déplacement à Brest, ça devient compliqué de trouver des motivés :cry:
Après aller voir une énième purge, regarder le match sous la flotte et revenir avec la crève : faut être motivé.

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Message Publié : 24 Fév 2022, 08:28 

Inscription : 09 Sep 2018, 10:51
Message(s) : 465
Il est annoncé plein soleil sur la bretagne dimanche ,après vu la qualité du parcage brestois ou on voit que les trois quart du terrain,je peux comprendre les réticences de certains à aller dans leur stade de merde

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Message Publié : 24 Fév 2022, 10:29 

Inscription : 02 Fév 2020, 16:32
Message(s) : 5818
Pour ce qui est de la merde pas besoin de chercher ailleurs , un coach merdique une équipe qui propose un jeu merdique , voilà le FCL actuel .GAST !

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Message Publié : 25 Fév 2022, 19:19 

Inscription : 27 Nov 2020, 12:27
Message(s) : 740
Localisation : savenay 44
J'ai cette semaine téléphoné au numéro des celtics An Orient, envoyé 2 mails, mais toujours pas de réponse quant aux disponibilités pour le déplacement à Brest :cry:

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Message Publié : 03 Mars 2022, 03:02 

Inscription : 03 Mars 2022, 02:43
Message(s) : 1
3+ Counterproductive Cleaning Mistakes That You Have Never Noticed Before

Most of the time, there are ways to maintain your place’s cleanliness. Do you like dusting pile carpets, handling pet hair, or dealing with various floor types using a vacuum cleaner? Whatever you prefer, things will eventually become less messy than before. While there are no hard and fast cleaning rules, some mistakes may be making your space dirtier.

It’s frustrating to spend effort and time on cleaning only to figure out that your efforts have worsened things. In this post, we will specify these mistakes and suggest ways to tackle them.

Find More Information: What Are The Best Vacuum Cleaner? Find Out Now

1. Not cleaning your vacuum cleaner


The problem: Have you not changed the vacuum filter in a while? Have you not cleaned your unit yet even though you’ve used it many times? If so, your model will not be able to collect as much dust and dirt as it is supposed to. That’s because of the reduction of suction power. Also, the dusty vent blows dirt back into the carpet and into the air you breathe.

The solution: Empty or change canisters or bags right after they get full. Remove dirt from the attachments, vent, and hose using a damp microfiber cloth. Go over the vacuum for a second time to ensure that it is unplugged.

2. Washing your windows on sunny days

The problem: Why not spend a beautiful day outside, washing your exterior windows? The problem is, the sun makes the windows become hot. Thus, they will end up being streaky. Understandably, the soap and water get dry before you can remove them.

The solution: Choose overcast days for deep cleaning. Then, you can look at your work results with pleasure on the next sunny day.

Selected For You: Best rated vacuum cleaners

3. Using too much cleaning product and detergent

The problem: Using a larger amount of these products does not necessarily mean your surfaces, dishes, etc. will be cleaner. In fact, it can be the opposite! For example, too much detergent does not appropriately clean your clothes during the rinse cycle. Plus, residue can remain in the fibers, drawing grime and dirt.

The solution: Be sure to read and follow the instructions for the specific item.

4. Not pre-soaking dirty dishes


The problem: Do you leave pans and pots on your stovetop after dinner? If so, you are letting the sauce and cheese set into the pan. When you finish the meal, you will be welcomed by food that gets baked in and that requires tedious scrubbing.

The solution: As soon as you finish cooking, move food out of the pans and pots. After that, soak the dishes in warm water with soap. Remember, if your cooking tools are made of aluminum, allow them to cool down first, as cold water could otherwise deform them.

See Also: What Is The Best Vacuum Cleaner


When it comes to home cleaning, chances are that you expect the best results in the shortest time possible. Nevertheless, some cleaning habits can side-track you on your way to a satisfying accomplishment. Refer to the suggestions above to get your routines done as quickly and effectively as you can. Small changes in your habits can save you precious time. Don’t clean harder, but smarter!

Do you know of any other cleaning mistakes that create the opposite of the desired effect and that could be added to this list? Tell us in the comments below.

Dernière édition par atticusedwards le 13 Avr 2023, 08:38, édité 2 fois.

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Message Publié : 03 Mars 2022, 14:26 

Inscription : 09 Sep 2018, 10:51
Message(s) : 465
Y en a aucun qui sait lire :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Message Publié : 03 Mars 2022, 20:34 
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Inscription : 16 Jan 2005, 20:39
Message(s) : 13956
Localisation : A côté du bonnet bleu
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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